Sunday, September 12, 2010

Grilled Steak with Rotini Pasta Salad

I had a simple dinner of steak with some salad with my husband last night. The steak was lightly grilled with some salt and pepper. The main invention however, was the pasta salad and it was quite a successful attempt as my husband enjoyed the side dish.

Salads are such a good way of complementing a meat dish. On top of that, they are healthy as they are made up of lots of fresh vegetables and usually do not require any form of oily cooking. Making salads are also very simple because you can use any type of ingredients that suits your palate. My husband and I are meat lovers so I usually like to add in a small amount of meat or protein in my salads. The ingredients in my pasta salad are: rotini pasta; sweet corn; cherry tomatoes; chives; bacon; mayonnaise; Heinz salad sauce; pepper and salt. In my opinion, it tastes better when served chilled as it is quite refreshing to eat on a warm day. The rotini pasta salad is easy to prepare and serves as an excellent side dish or packed lunch (since it consists of a well balanced diet of carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and some meat).